Valentino’s Express
121 Los Fresnos Loop
Laredo, TX 78046
1100 Matamoros, Ste 215
Laredo, TX 78046
MC 4247
USDOT 2960262
Has your trucking company hauled freight for this brokerage? If you’re still trying to get paid for your work on behalf of Valentino’s Express LLC, callnow!
Infinity Logistics
1111 Harvester Rd
West Chicago, IL 60185
MC 322026
USDOT 2223264
Were you hired to deliver freight for this company? If you’re having difficulty reaching out to Infinity Logistics Inc in regards to unpaid freight bills, callASAP!
QD Logistics
988C Old Country Rd
PMB 217
Plainview, NY 11803
MC 772122
Did this broker hire your company to haul freight? If you’re having trouble reaching out to QD Logistics Inc regarding unpaid freight bills, calltoday!
Bonita Truck Brokers
PO Box 4453
Rio Rico, AZ 85648
MC 317771
USDOT 2223062
Did you deliver freight on behalf of this brokerage? If you’re still trying to get paid on Bonita Truck Brokers Inc debt, be sure to call right now!
Filo Systems Incorporated
1754 N Washington St.
Unit 128 B
Naperville, IL 60563
Toll Free Phone Reported by Trucking Companies:877-489-8428
Broker’s Listed Phone Number: 630-480-2971
Broker’s Listed Fax Number: 630-597-2401
Brokers Motor Carrier Number: 798432
Broker’s US Department of Transportation Number:2342956
You may of gotten here because Filo (First in Logistics Operation) Systems from Napierville, IL owes you for an unpaid freight bill or you are just a carrier looking for info, then call right now. You will need your MC number. The phone isfor the best most accurate information.
Barca Logistics Incorporated
12814 Victory Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 91606
MC 043819 or 43819
It is a newer MC, after the 6 digits rolled over
US DOT Number: 3039296
Most people that find this page will do so because they are trying to get in touch with this broker. If you haven’t been able to get in touch with Barca Logistics out of LA, then make sure you callASAP. Especially if you have an unpaid freight bill.
Patriot Brokerage, Inc.
7840 Foothill Blvd
Ste F
Sunland, CA 91040
MC 889750
USDOT 2559090
Did this broker hire you to carry freight? If you’ve had trouble reaching out to Patriot Brokerage, Inc. in regards to unpaid freight bills, call now!
Lakeside 3PL LLC
299 S Main St
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
MC 51797
USDOT 03054842
Did you deliver freight for this broker? If you’re still trying to get paid on Lakeside 3PL LLC debt, call now!
BGL Associates, Inc.
PO Box 6827
Warwick, RI 02887
MC 221811
USDOT 2214596
Were you hired to haul freight for this broker? If you’re having trouble contacting BGL Associates, Inc. concerning unpaid freight bills, be sure to call today!
Does this broker owe you money?