All posts by BWLAdmin

Modern Transportation Solution Inc

Kansas Freight Brokerage – Modern Transportation Solution Inc

Address:2611 SW 17th St
Topeka, KS 66606
MC Number:1285252
US Department Of Transportation:3687693

You most likely arrived at this page as most do, trying to find a way to get in touch with Modern Transportation Solutions Inc out of Topeka, Kansas, supposedly. Possibly to try and get paid for a load you moved for them, that you haven’t been paid for. If this is the case and you are trying to get your freight bills paid, make sure to call and ask for David at 662.258.1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460, or 662-258-1948 and be sure to have your MC number ready.

Please note that this address is a virtual office.

Don’t hesitate to call any time of the day or night, if there is no answer, simply leave your Motor Carrier Number (MC), your name and phone number. You can call any time, day or night, and leave a message with your MC. You should expect a call back ASAP.

Rose Logistics Group Inc

New Jersey Based Freight Broker

Address:1010 Eisenhower Parkway
Suite 300
Roseland, NJ 07068
Motor Carrier Number:1378079
US DOT Number:3814719
Please note this address is for a Regus Virtual Office

Most people that land on a page at Broker Watch List are doing so because they have searched online for a freight broker they are trying to get a freight bill that has gone unpaid taken care of. If you came here looking for information on how to get paid on an invoice you have for a load you did with Rose Logistics Group Inc, that uses a virtual office at 1010 Eisenhower Parkway in Roseland, NJ make sure you take action to ensure you lose as little as possible in this situation.

To do so, call Bill at 662-258-1948 or 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916. And if for some reason you get voicemail, make sure to leave your name and MC number and I will get you what you need ASAP so that we can make it as painless of a process to collect as we can.

Little Creek Logistics Inc

Glendale, California Freight Broker – Little Creek Logistics

California Licensed Broker- Little Creek Logistics Inc

Address:1416 Irving Avenue
Glendale, CA 91201
Motor Carrier Number:1243417
US DOT:3630191

Most people that land on this page will have searched online for Little Creek Logistics Inc, to try and find out what they can about this broker that has reportedly been double brokering loads to carriers for more than they are even being paid. Also, they were reported for offering “quickpay”, then not coming through on those terms as well.

If you are owed by Little Creek Logistics Inc, using MC 1243417 out of Glendale, California, make sure you reach out to us today.

Call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916

Galaxy Safe Trans & Service Inc

Ohio Freight Brokerage – Galaxy Safe Trans & Service Inc

Billing AddressPO Box 356
Brunswick, OH 44212
Address from Rate Con8711 S 77th Ave
Bridgeview, IL 60455
Address from FMCSA3435 Cicero Ave
Unit 101
Cicero, IL 60804
Phone 1740-346-8882
Phone 2216-278-0540
FF or Freight Forwarding #16386
US DOT #2538822

Most people that land on this page will be doing so because they went online and searched for Galaxy Safe Trans & Service Inc out of either Brunswick, Ohio, Bridgeview, Illinois or perhaps even Cicero, Illinois. And most people that are searching for them are doing so because they are a carrier or factor and have at least one unpaid freight bill, owed by this company for a load they have moved for them. If you are still trying to get paid by this company, make sure you call today to see what can still be done.

Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916

If there is no answer leave a message, any time of day or night and your call will be returned promptly. Just be sure to leave your name, number and MC number.

United Shippers Inc

California Freight Broker – United Shippers Inc.

Address:9431 Haven Ave
Suite 100
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
This is a virtual office
Phone: 877-218-4022  
Motor Carrier Number:1029347
US DOT:3263926

United Shippers Inc, is a freight broker using a virtual office in Rancho Cucamonga. If you got to this page because you were trying to get them on the phone or find out what is going on with them, when you will get paid, etc, Make sure you call today. You can reach David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 for more info on this broker.  The sooner you call the better chance of being made whole.

If they are on the other line, be sure to leave your name, number and MC and they will call you back immediately.

Freightlink transport ltd

Freightlink Tranpsort truck image

Ontario Freight Broker – Freightlink Transport LTD

5511 Tomken Rd
Peel, ON L4W 4B8

Phone: 1 289-497-9222 ext. 221 (Office)
1 289-497-8844 (Main)
1 519-240-4981 (Mobile)

Broker MC Number: 553799

US DOT: 2940438

Did you get here because you searched on the internet for Freightlink Transport LTD, located in Peel, ON?  If you did, it is probably because you are trying to get paid for an unpaid freight bill, you were brokered by Freightlink Transport, if so, call Bill or David as soon as you can and if you get a voicemail, make sure to leave a message with your contact info and MC number.  You can reach Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916 , make sure you call them immediately.

Auditous LLC

Auditous truck image

Colorado Freight Broker – AUDITOUS LLC

Address: 3801 E Florida Ave Ste 400
Denver, CO 80210

Phone: 720-744-0883

Motor Carrier Number: 1131652

US DOT: 3464032

If you have reached this, it means you are most likely searching for this Broker to get paid for moving a load. If you are in that category and trying to get paid for a load you did with Auditous LLC out of Colorado, make sure to reach out to Bill immediately at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-259-1916.

If there is no answer, make sure to leave your call back info, including name, phone number and MC, and your call will be returned as soon as they are off the other line.

CFM Trans Inc

CFM Trans truck image

Illinois Freight Broker – CFM Trans Inc

Address: 1749 W Golf St Rd #179
Mt Prospect, IL 60056

Phone: 630-568-8757

Motor Carrier Number: 1102899

US DOT: 3416108

Having trouble collecting from this broker? If you are still holding unpaid freight bills from CFM Trans Inc, make sure to reach out to Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916 as soon as possible if you want to recover your receivables.

When you call, if there is no answer, make sure to leave a message including your MC number, phone number and name, so that you have the best chance of getting paid.

Fargo Freight Inc

Fargo Freight truck image

California Freight Broker – Fargo Freight Inc

Address: 3959 Foothill Blvd
La Crescenta, CA 91214 US


  • 1-844-325-0295
  • 1-844-649-2910
  • 1-888-292-3601

Broker MC Number: 804595

Carrier MC Number: 625346

US DOT: 2353820

If you got to this page because you are trying to get paid for a load you delivered for this brokerage, Fargo Freight Inc and can’t get in touch with them, make sure to call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David 662-258-1916. Let us collect you receivables for you!!

If calling after hours, please leave your Name, phone # and MC # and will reach back out to you ASAP.

Fast Forward Express LLC

Fast Forward Express truck image

Spokane, Washington based Freight Broker :

Fast Forward Express LLC

707 West Main Avenue

Suite B1

Spokane, Washington 99201

Brokers listed contact number: 509-524-8230

This address is essentially a virtual office and/or mail forwarding service.

Most people that find this page have been looking for Fast Forward Express LLC because they have unpaid receivables from this freight broker. If that is the case with you, make sure you take action ASAP. No matter the time of day or night, call 901-300-7460 and ask for Bill. If you get voicemail make sure to leave a message and expect a call back shortly. Whether it is Fast Forward Freight or another broker, make sure to take action now!