1515 Central Ave NE Suite 120 Minneapolis, MN 55413
844-565-8290 651-300-8865
Motor Carrier Number:
Surety Bond
Set to Canceled 1/22/25
Did you handle freight for this brokerage? If you’re still working on collecting payment for the debt from Volta Logistics, there might still be a chance to retrieve your receivables. Don’t hesitate to contact Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916 right away.
If you encounter voicemail, please take a moment to leave your name, phone number, and MC. Your call will be returned as soon as they are free to do so.
Were you hired to carry freight for this brokerage from Woodbury, MN, using MC 134628? If you’ve had trouble contacting ILIM Logistics LLC about getting paid for your services, pick up the phone and call David 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 now!
When you call if they are on the other line or after hours, make sure you leave three things. Your name, your phone number, and your MC number. But whatever you do, call right away!
Are you trying to get in touch with this company because you have an unpaid freight bill? If so make sure to get in touch with us ASAP. They used a carrier side to obtain loads (Apollo Logistics MC# 1306465) and appear to have double brokered loads for more than the original rate. Call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David 662-258-1916 if you have unpaid freight bills, brokered to you by Twin City Brokerage Co. Reach out to us to insure you get paid for the load you moved.
If calling after hours, just leave your name, number and MC and they will return your call and help you have the best chance of getting your money for the load or loads you moved.
You most likely came here looking for Mak’s Logistics MC# 898868 because you have an unpaid freight bill. Are you trying to find out more about getting paid?
Call us today, either David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460.
If we are on the phone, make sure to leave your name, MC and phone number and one of them will get back to you as soon as possible.
Unfortunately this address is a Regus Virtual office.
You most likely came here looking for this brokerage because you have an unpaid freight bill. If that is the case make sure to call Bill at 901-300-7460 ASAP!
You most likely got here because you searched the internet for Shift Cargo LLC, out of Duluth, Minnesota due to an unpaid freight bill. If you are trying to get paid, make sure to dial 901-300-7460 and ask for Bill. If he isn’t available, make sure to leave your MC and phone number and he will respond as soon as he is. Call anytime at all.
Were you hired to deliver freight on behalf of this broker? If you’re still trying to get paid for your services under Brumm Logistics Inc, make a point to calltoday!
If you ever delivered freight for this broker, you might have had a hard time reaching out to them regarding payment. If you’ve had trouble contacting Team Logistics Inc about unpaid freight bills, callnow!
Have you been trying to get in touch with Seminole Logistics LLC? Does this broker still owe you money? If you’re trying to get paid on Seminole Logistics debt, call ASAP!
Have you had a hard time getting in touch with Seminole Logistics after carrying shipment for them? If you’re still trying to get paid on Seminole Logistics debt, dial today.