If you found this page while trying to receive payment for a load you delivered for FTS Logistics LLC and are unable to get in touch with them, please call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916 for support. Their surety bond has been canceled, and they are not authorized to operate as property broker.
Should you call us, please ensure you leave your name, MC, and phone number. A member of our team will respond to you at the earliest opportunity.
“My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.” Hank Aaron
Arc Logistics Inc is a freight broker that has been reported for not paying for loads. If you got to this page because you were trying to get them on the phone to find out when your freight bill will be paid, you should call David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 for more info on this broker. Make sure you call ASAP if you are owed by Arc Logistics Inc.
Make sure to leave your MC number and your phone number if you get voicemail when you call, he will call you back ASAP!
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar
You arrived on this page searching for this broker. Hodge Transportation & Warehousing Inc out of Washington, MO has been reported by multiple carriers for non-payment of freight bills.
Are you trying to get paid for freight you have moved? If so, reach out to David at 662-258-1916 or Bill AT 901-300-7460, today.
If after hours, just leave your name, number and MC and he will return your call and help you have the best chance of getting your money for the load or loads you moved.
If you got to this page because you are trying to get paid for a load that you delivered for this company, Creative Trucklines Inc and can’t get in touch with them, make sure to call David at 662-258-1916 or Bill 901-300-7460. Let us collect your receivables for you!!
If after hours, just leave your name, number and MC and we will return your call and help you have the best chance of getting your money for the load or loads you moved.
7509 NW Tiffany Springs Pkwy Suite 102 Kansas City, MO 64153
Motor Carrier Number:
If you got to this page because you are trying to get paid for a load you delivered for this brokerage, TCO Freight LLC. If you can’t get in touch with them, act now and call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916.
Whatever time of day or night you are reading this. If after hours, just leave your name, number and MC and he will return your call and help you have the best chance of getting your money for the load or loads you moved.
Are you trying to get in touch with this company because you have an unpaid freight bill? If so, make sure to get in touch with us ASAP. . Call David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 and have your MC ready.
If you get voicemail, make sure to leave a message and expect a call back shortly. Whether it is Global Freight Corp or another broker, make sure to act now!
If you have reached this, it means you are most likely searching for this Broker. If you are in that category and trying to get paid for a load you did with Henderson Inc out of Missouri, make sure to reach out to Bill immediately at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-259-1916.
If there is no answer, make sure to leave your call back info, including name, phone number and MC number, and your call will be returned as soon as they are off the other line.
Missouri Freight Broker – Straight Line Logistics LLC
1201 NW Briarcliff Parkway, 2nd Floor Kansas City, MO 64116
816-766-0990 (Main) 913-317-6956 (Main)
Motor Carrier Number:
If you found this page searching for this broker trying to get paid, there is a chance to get paid on an unpaid freight bill from Straight Line Logistics, make sure to reach out via phone to Bill at 901-300-7460 or David 662-258-1916. If for any reason there is no answer, make sure to leave a message including your name, number and MC and they will get back to you as soon as possible or off the other line.
Did this freight broker hire your trucking company? If you’ve had a hard time reaching out to Kwan Transportation Services Inc concerning unpaid freight bills, call
Was your trucking company hired to haul freight for this broker? If you’ve been trying to get paid for your services under Bama Logistics Inc, be sure to call today!