2M Logistics Inc- Idaho freight broker
Address: | 663 E 122 S Burley, ID 83318 |
Phone: | 208-431-7978 |
US DOT: | 39877583 |
Motor Carrier Number: | 1494949 |
If you found this page searching for this broker trying to get paid on an unpaid freight bill from 2M Logistics Inc, there is still a chance to get paid. Make sure to reach out via phone to David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460. Let us collect your receivable for you!
If you’re reaching out and they’re not available, or if it’s past their working hours, ensure you leave three pieces of information: your name, your contact number, and your MC number. However, always remember to call promptly!
“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” Eleanor Roosevelt