Ace Cargo Inc

Ace Cargo Inc – Arizona Freight Broker

Address:1446 S Stanley Pl
Tempe, AZ 85281
US DOT:4134927
Motor Carrier Number:1584146

If you got to this page because you searched online for Ace Cargo Inc, it is most likely because you are trying to get freight bills paid. You are certainly not alone if that is the case, as they have been reported for non-payment several times already by multiple carriers.

If you need to get your freight bills paid, make sure to call and ask for David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 1-901-300-7460 or 1-662-258-1948.

Whatever time of day or night you are reading this. If after hours, just leave your name, number and MC and we will return your call and help you have the best chance of getting your money for the load or loads you moved.