Brighton Cargo LLC

Brighton Cargo LLC

Oregon freight broker

Address:1515 SW 5th Ave Suite 102
Portland, OR 97201
US DOT:4253133
Motor Carrier Number:1648925
Surety BondCanceled 11/30/24
AuthorityRevoked 12/09/24

Are you experiencing delays in receiving payments from Brighton Cargo LLC? It’s concerning to note that their surety bond has been canceled, which has led to them losing their broker authority. Reports indicate they have not been paying freight bills, so it’s vital to take steps to secure your receivables and improve your chances of getting what you’re owed. I encourage you to reach out to David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 right away.

In case you get voicemail, don’t forget to provide your MC number and phone number. He will get back to you promptly!

“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” Wayne Dyer