Continental Cargo Inc – Indiana Freight Broker
Address: | 5970 S Holly St Greenwood Village, CO |
Phone: | 719-309-5363 |
US DOT: | 3992797 |
Motor Carrier Number: | 1498355 |
More than likely, you got to this page by searching on the internet for Continental Cargo with a MC# 1498355. If you are looking for information because you have 1 or more unpaid freight bills, owed by this company, immediately contact Bill at (662) 258-1948 or (901) 300-7460 or David 662-258-1916 and have you MC ready. Let us collect your receivables for you!!
In the event we are on another call or away from our desk, make sure to leave your call back info. Include name, phone number and MC number, and your call will be returned as soon as possible.