First Line Logistics LLC

First Line Logistics LLC

Ohio freight broker

Address:4546 Edgarton Dr
Grove City, OH 43123
US DOT:3722877
Motor Carrier Number:1311103
Surety BondCanceled 10/23/24
Broker AuthorityRevoked 9/20/24

People typically find this page while trying to locate a broker they haven’t been able to reach, especially when they are seeking payment for freight they have moved. If you are in this situation and are looking to get paid for a load you worked on with First Line Logistics LLC in Grove City, OH, please make sure to contact Bill at 901-300-7460 or David at 662-258-1916 without delay.

Should you encounter voicemail during your call, be sure to leave your MC number along with your phone number. He will call you back at the earliest opportunity!

“The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.” John Madden