Safe Road Inc

Safe Road Inc

California freight broker

Address:3277 S White Rd
Pmb 80782
San Jose, CA 95148
US DOT:3256144
Motor Carrier Number:1030252
Surety BondSet to cancel 1/22/25

Have you been contracted to move freight for this brokerage from San Jose, CA using MC#1030252? If you’re struggling to connect with Safe Road Inc to resolve your payment concerns, I encourage you to call David at 662-258-1916 or Bill at 901-300-7460 immediately!

Should you need to reach out after business hours, please leave your name, contact number, and MC number. Our team will return your call and work diligently to help you secure the payment you deserve for the loads you’ve delivered.

“I don’t know what it’s like to have a typical father figure. He’s not the dad who’s going to take me to the beach and go swimming, but he’s such a motivational person.” Tiffany Trump