Pennsylvania Freight Broker – YLZ Trucking
Address: | 57 Lenox Ave East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 |
Phone: | 570-688-5135 (Main) |
Motor Carrier Number: | 1152189 |
US DOT: | 3495984 |
More than likely you got to this page by searching on the internet for YLZ Trucking Inc. out of East Stroudsburg, PA or their phone number of 570-688-5135 If you are looking for information because you have 1 or more unpaid freight bills, owed by this company, immediately contact us. Call Bill at 901-300-7460 or David 662-258-1916 and have your MC ready. If you get voicemail, leave a message and they will call you back ASAP, as soon as they are off the other line or otherwise available.