Nationwide Transportation LLC
Las Vegas, Nevada based Freight Brokerage
US DOT Number 3461718
MC or Motor Carrier Number 1130163
2 addresses are associated with this company
6210 N Jones Blvd
Unit 75472
Las Vegas, NV 89130
This first one is a “unique” way of saying
PO Box 75472
The other address is about a mile away.
6209 Rodman Ridge Court
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Phone Numbers
Phone 1: 702-934-5762
Phone 2: 725-205-4756
If you found this page searching for this broker trying to get paid on an unpaid freight bill from Nationwide Transportation LLC, there is still a chance to get paid. Make sure to reach out via phone to Bill, at 901-300-7460. If for any reason there is no answer, make sure to leave a message including your name, number and MC and he will get back to you as soon as possible or off the other line.