Promptra Logistics Services LLC – Ohio, Freight Broker
6631 Commerce Parkway
Suite D
Dublin, Ohio 43017
6543 Commerce Parkway
Suite E
Dublin, OH 43017
US DOT Number: 2830462
Motor Carrier(MC) Number: 943798
Phone: 614-497-8928
Fax: 614-308-8300
Most likely you ended up here, on this page, because you are looking for information on Promptra Logistics Services LLC out of Dublin, Ohio. They list one office with the FMCSA and the other is the one they used on their rate confirmations. Both are adjacent to each other, in the same office park. If you have unpaid freight bills, brokered to you by Promptra, make sure to reach out to Bill at 901-300-7460 ASAP. Even if you don’t think there is a chance of recovery, it cost nothing to try.